mortgaged to the hilt
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mortgaged up to the hilt — mortgaged (up) to the hilt ► having borrowed as much money as you possibly can to buy property: »If you are mortgaged up to the hilt, losing your job is a disaster. Main Entry: ↑mortgaged … Financial and business terms
to the hilt — adverb in full (Freq. 1) you are in this to the hilt • Syn: ↑to the limit * * * COMPLETELY, fully, wholly, totally, entirely, utterly, unreservedly, unconditionally, in every respect, in all respects, one hundred per cent, every inch, to the full … Useful english dictionary
to the hilt — phrasal 1. to the very limit ; completely < the farm was mortgaged to the hilt > 2. with nothing lacking < played the role to the hilt > … New Collegiate Dictionary
(up) to the hilt — Completely, thoroughly, to the full ● hilt * * * (up) to the hilt informal phrase as much as possible or to the highest level possible Mike’s colleagues were prepared to defend him to the hilt. The estate was mortgaged up to the hilt … Useful english dictionary
up to the hilt — (up) to the hilt 1. if you do something to the hilt, you do it in the strongest and most complete way that you can. All through the trial, he has backed his wife up to the hilt. They took the new aircraft and tested it to the hilt. 2. if you… … New idioms dictionary
up\ to\ the\ hilt — • (up) to the hilt adv. phr. To the limit; as far as possible; completely. The other boys on the team told Tom he couldn t quit. they said, You re in this to the hilt. The Smith s house is mortgaged up to the hilt. Compare: heart and soul, to the … Словарь американских идиом
to the hilt — (up) to the hilt 1. if you do something to the hilt, you do it in the strongest and most complete way that you can. All through the trial, he has backed his wife up to the hilt. They took the new aircraft and tested it to the hilt. 2. if you… … New idioms dictionary
to the hilt — or[up to the hilt] {adv. phr.} To the limit; as far as possible; completely. * /The other boys on the team told Tom he couldn t quit. They said, You re in this to the hilt. / * /The Smith s house is mortgaged up to the hilt./ Compare: HEART AND… … Dictionary of American idioms
to the hilt — or[up to the hilt] {adv. phr.} To the limit; as far as possible; completely. * /The other boys on the team told Tom he couldn t quit. They said, You re in this to the hilt. / * /The Smith s house is mortgaged up to the hilt./ Compare: HEART AND… … Dictionary of American idioms
to\ the\ hilt — • (up) to the hilt adv. phr. To the limit; as far as possible; completely. The other boys on the team told Tom he couldn t quit. they said, You re in this to the hilt. The Smith s house is mortgaged up to the hilt. Compare: heart and soul, to the … Словарь американских идиом